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Contribution Guidelines

Thank you for contributing to HEALTHY REGION.

In order to make the writing of your article as easy and efficient as possible, we have provided the following guidelines dealing with style and format. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the editorial team.


Key points:

  • All contributions are on a volunteer basis.

  • Once you have received an invitation to submit an article, please respond expressing your interest no longer that one week.

  • Articles should be accessible and of interest to academics, policymakers, field rofessionals and students alike.

  • The style is journalistic and analytical, please use plain language and avoid jargon.

  • Descriptive articles or summaries are not accepted.

  • Bibliographies or footnotes are not published.

  • Contributions should be submitted at least three weeks before release.

  • The maximum number of words is 1000.


Submission of articles

HEALTHY REGION will upload articles as long as are approved on the first Monday of every week, unless that Monday falls on a holiday (in which case we will release on the Tuesday after the holiday).

Demonstrating Inter-Sectoral Action and Multi-Sectoral Analysis


  • Focus on Inter-Sectoral Collaboration:

Content: The publication should emphasize collaboration across multiple sectors.
This could involve partnerships between government agencies, non-profits,
private enterprises, or community organizations.

Objective: Clearly outline how these collaborations address complex challenges,
providing innovative solutions that wouldn’t be achievable within a single sector.

  • Multi-Sectoral Analysis:

Comprehensive Approach: Your publication should include an analysis that
integrates perspectives from different sectors (e.g., health, education,
environment, economics etc). This would involve at least two sectors, cross-
disciplinary data, research, or case studies.

Story pitches or article ideas are welcome. Those non- solicited articles should be sent to the editorial team and copy to . The editorial team will assess the inclusion of the materials in each blog update according to the quality of the article, the number of articles already received, the time-sensitivity or articles and if the author/organization has written for us recently. Please let us know ahead of time in which language the article will be written so that we can make the necessary translation arrangements. However, if the author were bilingual we would like to receive the article in both languages (English/Spanish, English/French or French/Spanish).

Quality of articles and opinios 

HEALTHY REGION is a platform for authors from across the Americas to analyze multi-sectoral developments in the region. We publish analytical articles and opinion pieces, with the aim to present a diversity of perspectives and views by multi-disciplinary experts from Canada and different locations in the Americas region. Multi-Sectoral Expertise group (MSEG) does not assume responsibility for the opinions expressed in articles, as expressed in a disclaimer on Healthy Region publication and website.

Material containing ad hominem arguments or any language deemed offensive by the editorial board would not be published. The editorial board will edit the article for style and may also request changes for clarity and analytical value. If timing permits, a final version of your article will be sent to you before release for your approval.

Dates and references

We do not publish bibliographies at the end of articles or footnotes/endnotes. If you want to make direct quotes or note the source of the information included in your text, please do so within the related sentence. For example: “There has been a significant increase in […], as noted in the October 26, 2017 issue of Healthy Region…” OR “The report from PHAC Prevention Department dated January, 23, 2012, argues that…”

Author byline

The name of the author is included below the title. A one-sentence byline is included at the end of the article. Please include the following information for the byline at the end of the article: Name, Position, Professional affiliation.


Please provide us with this information when you submit the article. You may also use the byline space (one sentence) to advertise a forthcoming article, book or research project. Please let me know, if you would like to be contacted by readers just if you wanted to response further questions or comments about your published article.


The Inter-Sectoral Action Group (ISAG) at Multi- Sectoral Expertise Group (MSEG is an independent, non-partisan think-tank and advisory group dedicated to strengthening knowledge exchange among Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean through policy dialogue and analysis. Healthy Region helps us accomplish our goal of bridging knowledge between Canada and the rest of the Americas and carean being a publication combining news and analysis that reaches decision-makers civil society, private sector, academics, researchers, students, international market traders, and entrepreneurs with an interest in the region. Our goal is to bring together diverse perspectives to make a Healthy Region a dynamic analytic knowledge exchange forum. With the exception of MSEG Views, which is the official institutional stance of MSEG, the opinions and analysis in Healthy REGION are those of the authors and do not reflect the institutional position of MSEG, its staff or its advisory Group (ISAG). Healthy Region is undertaken with the financial support MSEG provided through volunteer collaboration and partnership.

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